Mental Health Awareness Training for Managers

This specific training for managers will help them to support their team’s mental health and to develop a culture that encourages people to be open and to ask for help if they are experiencing difficulties. Like our Mental Health Awareness Training for staff this course will provide an overview of common mental health difficulties including risk factors, common symptoms and how these present in the workplace.  In addition, we cover how challenges are best-addressed in a management context. This course will enable line managers to gain the confidence and skills to support their staff with their mental health needs. It also focuses on wider organisational considerations, such as ways that organisations can promote an open and positive workplace culture around mental health. Benefits of this course include:

  • Tackling stigma and common misconceptions head-on through education
  • Staff being better supported with their mental health needs
  • Promoting a culture where employees feel empowered to acknowledge and address mental health needs more openly
  • Support to develop robust policies to address mental health in the work place.

Following this training, we can provide follow-up support and your specific needs can be discussed with you upon request.



We can help your organisation to raise awareness around mental health and wellbeing.


Our CBT and Mindfulness based workshops cover a range of topics.

Consultation & Supervision

Our experts provide consultation regarding your wellbeing offerings and strategies.